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Psychometrics is the field of study concerned with the theory and technique of psychological measurement ,which includes the measurement of knowledge, abilities, attitudes and personality traits. The field is primarily concerned with the study of differences between individuals. FECHNER, the early German Psychophysiologist is known as the father of Psychometrics.

For career assessment carl  jung “personality theory (jung meant that people were defined by their characteristics within the following four groups: Extroversion_Introversion, Sensing_ Intuition, Thinking _Feeling, Judging_ Perceiving.

Holland”s theory of career choice (RIASEC) Holland found that people needing help with career decisions can be supported by underesting their resememblence the six vocational personality types : Realistic[R] Investigative[I] Artistic[A] Social[S] Enterprising[E] Conventional [C]

Varks theory of career choice - The acronym VARK stands for VISUAL, Aural, Read / Write and Kinesthetic sensory modalities are used for learning information.

Howard Gardener's theory of multiple intelligencies. These multiple intelligencies range from the use of words, numbers, pictures, music, to the importance of social interactions, introspection,   physical movement and being in tune and nature.

Daniel Goleman an American psychologist, who helped to popularize emotional intelligence. It has five elements : Self_awareness, Self_regulation, Motivation, Empathy, Socialskills


Parimal | ...

17th of June 2021 | 2 Likes

One of the best ways to determine your career direction is to complete a career assessment. Yet there are literally hundreds of career tests out there. Is a career test the same as an aptitude test? What about a career personality test? This post clarifies the differences and presents 7 criteria for deciding which career test is best for you.

“I used to feel depressed at work, hate my boss, and was sometimes so bored that I actually fell asleep at my desk!” --- career test taker

If this sounds like you, then it’s probably time to consider changing jobs or careers. But before you can make your career change, you need to figure out what you want to do.

One of the best ways to get clear is to complete a career assessment. Yet there are literally hundreds of career tests out there. Is a career test the same as an aptitude test? What about a career personality test? This article clarifies the differences and presents 7 criteria for deciding which career test is best for you.

#1  Career test vs. personality test : Is the assessment specifically designed to provide career guidance?

Personality tests only tell you about your character traits whereas a career assessment gives specific career advice. Of course, it helps to know whether you’re an extrovert or an introvert and perceive by sensing or intuition. Personality tests such as the Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) and the Enneagram are quite useful as background information. Making the leap from simple awareness of your personality type to specific career strategies is very difficult, however. If you want a new job or career, it’s better to take an assessment that is specifically geared to providing career guidance.

#2  Specific vs. general  : Does the career assessment give concrete recommendations that you can use immediately rather than vague observations that are open to interpretation and not actionable? Aside from the change itself, the hardest part of changing careers is narrowing down your choices. But if you don’t get specific, you won’t be able to take action. A good assessment should not be general like the astrological horoscopes in the newspaper.

#3  Motivation rules: Why motivation is a better indicator than aptitude or personality  Does the career assessment measure motivation?

Motivation is a far better career indicator than skill or personality because what you like to do is what you WILL do and what you will get very good at (if you aren't already). Why force a square peg into a round hole?

When you base your decisions on what motivates you, you'll probably feel much more fulfilled, and be much more successful, too.

#4  Where’s the beef? :  Even if you’re a vegetarian, you’ll want “meaty” results! A good career assessment should include hard data, as well as sufficient detail and explanation to help you interpret the results.

#5  Do you believe it? Is the career assessment scientifically valid? An effective career assessment should have a high predictive reliability. Such things can be measured statistically. Anything over 95% is quite good.

Statistical validity is important for a number of reasons. Obviously, you want to feel that the assessment provides an accurate picture of what motivates you and you don’t want to be misled by grossly inaccurate results. But another point is that when the results are believable this provides a boost to your self-confidence. In my case, I was relieved and encouraged to see from my results that I had chosen the correct career path. It was a kind of confirmation or validation: “Whew! What a relief!”

Remember that ultimately it’s up to you to decide whether a set of results makes sense or not. However, it helps to use a highly reliable assessment.

#6  Can you get from A to Z?  Are additional tools available to help you take your results and develop a clear career roadmap for yourself?

Honestly, a lot of people take career tests and get brilliant insights. Unfortunately, many of these same people are never able to turn their insights into results. What’s needed is a support infrastructure of materials and people to help you apply your results over time.

#7  Is it fast?  Even in the internet age, there still are a lot of tests that you can only take on paper. It takes 30 minutes or even over an hour to take the test. Then you have to wait while the test is scored and processed. You may only get your results after several days or weeks.

Personally I prefer career tests that I can take online and that give me my results immediately.

Conclusion :  A career test is just a tool and just one step on your career change journey. Nonetheless, it’s worth spending some time to understand what types of tests are available and which is best for you. Just remember that even the best career test is only a tool. It’s up to you to take charge of your own career. If you need more insigts We can arrange a Call Back for More Details.


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The parameters given in the question provide us the answer too. With the huge market size and disproportionately less number of Certified Career Counsellors, the scope to absorb more counsellors...thus a huge career opportunity (I am not using the word Job here deliberately) is present here and now.

In addition, one does not worry about much competition since the playing field is vast. Technology also has a huge role to play for any one interested in making a difference in the lives of others by supporting and helping them make a choice for their careers. And these counsellors will be able to work at their own pace, from their own space, and not having to worry about the rat race.

Further, anyone with any educational background but with a passion to understand the expansive career options that the world is throwing up and an analytical bent of mind and empathy as a personal trait can do wonders.

India’s young student population will keep the demand for this career very high.


There is Ample Potential in the Career Counseling Industry due to the increasing complexity of Career Paths, Educational Pressures, Workforce Changes, the need for lifelong learning, and the importance of mental health in job satisfaction.

By leveraging Technology and receiving support from Governments and Institutions, the industry is well-positioned to expand its reach and impact, providing vital Assistance to Individuals in their Educational and Professional Journeys.

Why Potential is So Big in Indian Sub Continent ? it is a Million Dollor Question but we must focus on this & Start Working for Betterment of  All Sigments of Society 

Jai Hind


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John Baptist

19th of November 2020 | 2 Likes

To generate leads we have to first understand the marketing statergies explain by Vipin Sir during the markerting training and follow steps accordingly then surely we will get leads and also we will gain confidence when we start following marketing steps. 

Word of mouth, facebook, instragram, google ads, pamplets through which we can get leads. We have to take action, so that students/parents comes to that certified career counselor is near them. 

Be confident and follow the marketing plans, surely you will get leads.  


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Nitin Lahore | Dual PG/M.Phil/Research S...

3rd of June 2021 | 2 Likes

Any Student who love to keep quiet & Calm and also Interested in Numbers, Logical & Critical Thinking, and love to work on Board, Which at least Higher Secondary Clear with Maths or Commerce, and of course very Organised then he has to be preparing for CA with Graduation.

Nitin Lahore


Students, who wish to enter the profession of Charted Accountancy; they have to enrol or Foundation Course offered by the Institute after appearing in class 12th examination board in India. students need to register till 30 June /31st December or being eligible to appear in November /May Foundation Course Examination. Students need to complete four months study period in Foundation course and then appear for exam. Students who pass in foundation course exam move to intermediate course. Students have to complete 8 months of study course as on first day of the month in which the intermediate exams will be held for appearing in the intermediate exam. CA students have to complete four weeks integrated Course on Information Technology and Soft skills (ICITSS) while they are in intermediate course and before the beginning of articled training.

Those who qualify in the intermediate exam, then join the final course. Final course students have

To undergo four weeks Advanced Integrated Course on Information Technology of Soft skills (AICITSS)during the last two years of practical training but before appearing in the final examination.

The articled training is of 3 years and a CA student can either completing the articled training or while serving the last 6 months of articled training. Students who clear the CA Final exams have to enrol as a member of the ICAI to be designated as a Charted Accountant.

Another entry method is direct entry method which is available for commerce graduates /post graduates with minimum 55% marks or other graduates /post graduates with 60% marks. Such students can enrol directly with intermediate course. Rest of the conditions remain same.


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Mechanical engineer, Architect, Detective, Computer programmer, Scientific researcher, Technical writer etc are  some career options for INTJ.

INTJ - INTJ are highly intelligent individuals: with a thirst for knowledge. They can easily interpret complex information. They possess a high level of self confidence and are comfortable with who, they are. They possess creativity with logical reasoning. They are independent and determined.


Thahaseen Salahuddin

8th of April 2020 | 2 Likes

The suitable careers would be research,law, government services ,design statistician because these careers involve a lot of critical analysis and logic and reasoning the INTJ personality would be best fit for these careers


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